- EnM 학술상
• 배경: KES 공식 학회지인 EnM에 게재된 원저 (Original Articles) 중에서 탁월한 연구성과를 보인 논문을 선정함으로써 EnM의 지속적인 발전을 도모하고자 함
• 연혁: 2015년 “Genetic and Epigenetic Analysis in Korean Patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 (책임저자: 연세의대 이유미 교수님)”을 포함 총 4명이 1회 수상자로 선정되었으며, 2021년 수상자인 서울의대 박영주(책임저자) 교수님과 3명을 포함, 현재까지 총 28명의 수상자를 배출하였음
- 2023년도
Metabolite Changes during the Transition from Hyperthyroidism to Euthyroidism in Patients with Graves’ Disease
Survival Comparison of Incidentally Found versus Clinically Detected Thyroid Cancers: An Analysis of a Nationwide Cohort Study
책임저자 : 서울의대 박영주, 국립암센터 이은경
제1저자 : 한림의대 문신제
DN200434 Inhibits Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation and Prevents Neointima Formation in Mice after Carotid Artery Ligation
책임저자 : 경북의대 박근규
제1저자 : 경북의대
Predicting the Risk of Insulin-Requiring Gestational Diabetes before Pregnancy: A Model Generated from a Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study in Korea
책임저자 : 가톨릭의대 김미경
제1저자 : 가톨릭의대 이승환, 가톨릭의대 유진
- 2022년도
Outcome-Based Decision-Making Algorithm for Treating Patients with Primary Aldosteronism
책임저자 : 울산의대 이승훈
제1저자 : 서울의대 김정희
Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Risk of Fractures and Falls According to Dosage and Interval: A Meta-Analysis
책임저자 : 서울의대 신찬수
제1저자 : 서울의대 공성혜
Whole-Exome Sequencing in Papillary Microcarcinoma: Potential Early Biomarkers of Lateral Lymph Node Metastasis
책임저자 : 부산의대 김보현
제1저자 : 부산의대 김미진
Frequency of TERT Promoter Mutations in Real-World Analysis of 2,092 Thyroid Carcinoma Patients
책임저자 : 성균관의대 정재훈
제1저자 : 성균관의대 양희라, 성균관의대 박현주
- 2021년도
A Phase II Multi-Center, Non-Randomized, Parallel Group, Non-Inferiority Study to Compare the Efficacy of No Radioactive Iodine Remnant Ablation to Remnant Ablation Treatment in Low- to Intermediate-Risk of Papillary Thyroid Cancer: The MOREthyroid Trial Protocol
책임저자 : 서울의대 박영주
제1저자 : 국립암센터 이은경
Liver X Receptor β Related to Tumor Progression and Ribosome Gene Expression in Papillary Thyroid Cancer
책임저자 : 연세의대 조영석
제1저자 : 연세의대 정선향
Effects of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Analogue and Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Combination on the Atherosclerosis-Related Process in a Type 2 Diabetes Mouse Model
책임저자 : 서울의대 임수
제1저자 : 서울의대 김진희
Fasting Plasma Glucose Level Independently Predicts the Mortality of Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infection: A Multicenter, Retrospective Cohort Study
책임저자 : 영남의대 문준성
제1저자 : 영남의대 장민철
- 2020년도
Epidemiology and Prognosis of Pheochromocytoma/Paraganglioma in Korea: A Nationwide Study Based on the National Health Insurance Service
책임저자 : 고려의대 김신곤
제1저자 : 서울의대 김정희
Serotonin Regulates De Novo Lipogenesis in Adipose Tissues through Serotonin Receptor 2A
책임저자 : 한국과학기술원 김하일
제1저자 : 광주과학기술원 오창명
Transformation of Mature Osteoblasts into Bone Lining Cells and RNA Sequencing-Based Transcriptome Profiling of Mouse Bone during Mechanical Unloading
책임저자 : 서울의대 김상완
제1저자 : 전남의대 홍아람
Impact of the Dynamic Change of Metabolic Health Status on the Incident Type 2 Diabetes: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study
책임저자 : 고려의대 류혜진
제1저자 : 고려의대 김정아
- 2019년도
Postoperative Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Levels Did Not Affect Recurrence after Thyroid Lobectomy in Patients with Papillary Thyroid Cancer
책임저자 : 강원의대 최훈성, 서울의대 김민주
Expression of NF2 Modulates the Progression of BRAFV600E Mutated Thyroid Cancer Cells
책임저자 : 울산의대 김원구
제1저자 : 울산의대 유미현
Functional Identification of Compound Heterozygous Mutations in the CYP17A1 Gene Resulting in Combined 17α-Hydroxylase/17,20-Lyase Deficiency
책임저자 : 가톨릭의대 문성대
제1저자 : 가톨릭의대 모은영
Triglyceride Glucose Index Is Superior to the Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance for Predicting Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Korean Adults
책임저자 : 연세의대 박종숙
제1저자 : 연세의대 이상배, 한림의대 김민경
- 2018년도
A Comparison of Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration versus Core Needle Biopsy for Thyroid Nodules: Pain, Tolerability, and Complications
책임저자 : 울산의대 백정환
제1저자 : 정은지, 정새롬
Comparison of the Effects of Ezetimibe-Statin Combination Therapy on Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients with and without Diabetes: A Meta-Analysis
책임저자 : 연세의대 강은석
제1저자 : 홍남기, 이용호
Changes in Body Composition According to Age and Sex among Young Non-Diabetic Korean Adults: the Kangbuk Samsung Health Study
책임저자 : 성균관의대 이은정
제1저자 : 김슬기
Star-Shaped Intense Uptake of 131I on Whole Body Scans Can Reflect Good Therapeutic Effects of Low-Dose Radioactive Iodine Treatment of 1.1 GBq
책임저자 : 서울의대 박영주
제1저자 : 공성혜, 임정아
- 2017년도
Molecular Diagnosis Using Residual Liquid-Based Cytology Materials for Patients with Nondiagnostic or Indeterminate Thyroid Nodules
책임저자 : 울산의대 김원배
제1저자 : 권혜미
Waist Circumference as a Marker of Obesity Is More Predictive of Coronary Artery Calcification than Body Mass Index in Apparently Healthy Korean Adults: The Kangbuk Samsung Health Study
책임저자 : 성균관의대 이은정
제1저자 : 박종신
Effects of Vildagliptin or Pioglitazone on Glycemic Variability and Oxidative Stress in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Inadequately Controlled with Metformin Monotherapy: A 16-Week, Randomised, Open Label, Pilot Study
책임저자 : 고려의대 김신곤
제1저자 : 김남훈, 김동림
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Reference Range and Prevalence of Thyroid Dysfunction in the Korean Population: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013 to 2015
책임저자 : 성균관의대 정재훈
제1저자 : 김원배, 김원구
- 2016년도
Characteristics of Korean Patients with Antithyroid Drug-Induced Agranulocytosis: A Multicenter Study in Korea
책임저자 : 전남의대 강호철
제1저자 : 김희경
Limited Diagnostic Utility of Plasma Adrenocorticotropic Hormone for Differentiation between Adrenal Cushing Syndrome and Cushing Disease
책임저자 : 서울의대 김성연
제1저자 : 김정희,홍아람
Diagnostic Role of Captopril Challenge Test in Korean Subjects with High Aldosterone-to-Renin Ratios
책임저자 : 서울의대 김상완
제1저자 : 김정희,박경선
Effect of Mefloquine, a Gap Junction Blocker, on Circadian Period2 Gene Oscillation in the Mouse Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Ex Vivo
책임저자 : DGIST 김경진
제1저자 : 구진미
- 2015년도
Genetic and Epigenetic Analysis in Korean Patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
책임저자 : 연세의대 이유미
제1저자 : 김주성
Standardized Thyroid Cancer Mortality in Korea between 1985 and 2010
책임저자 : 울산의대 김태용
제1저자 : 정윤정
Mitochondrial Complexes I and II are More Susceptible to Autophagy Deficiency in Mouse Beta Cells
책임저자 : 서울의대 정혜승
제1저자 : 김민주
Testosterone Deficiency Associated with Poor Glycemic Control in Korean Male Diabetics
책임저자 : 아주의대 정윤석
제1저자 : 최윤미