- EnM 연구상
• 배경: 창의적인 내분비학 주제를 선정하여 그 결과를 KES 공식 학회지인 Endocrinology and Metabolism (EnM)에 게재함으로써, EnM의 발전에 기여할 수 있는 연구를 지원하고자 함
• 연혁: 2016년 “A multicenter retrospective cohort study of Korean patients with rare adrenal gland disease“를 주제로 서울의대 김상완 교수님과 “Survival analysis of differentiated thyroid cancer in Korea”라는 주제로 울산의대 김원배 교수님이 1회 수상자로 선정되었으며, 2021년 가톨릭의대 하정훈 교수님과 5명의 수상자를 포함, 현재까지 총 41명의 수상자를 배출하였음
- 2021년
A study on the diagnostic performance of serum copeptin levels for discriminating polyuria-polydipsia syndrome
서울의대 김정희
Efficacy and safety of fixed ratio combinations of glucagon like peptide 1 receptor agonists with basal insulin compared with a conventional premixed Insulin or basal insulin
한림의대 문신제
Endocrine dysfunction and prognosis by immune checkpoint inhibitor: A Meta-analysis
Discovering the mechanism of β-cell failure by analyzing the changes in circulating exosomes before and after improvement of glucotoxicity
가톨릭의대 이승환
Changes in Standardized, age-specific, stage-specific incidence and mortality of thyroid cancer in Korea: Comparison between Korean national data and Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) data
Comparison of the effects of various bisphosphonate after discontinuation of denosumab; A multicenter real-world cohort data
가톨릭의대 하정훈
- 2020년
Cumulative exposure of dysglycemia and risk of cardiovascular diseases
Analysis of clinicopathological features and prognosis of patients with Hürthle cell carcinoma in Korea
Discovery of biomarkers and therapeutic targets for sarcopenia
Infection risk and severity of COVID 19 associated with metabolic diseases and drugs: a nationwide cohort study with propensity score
Head to head comparison of the effects on bone and mineral metabolism between oral antidiabetic medicines in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes, a multicenter, randomized, controlled, open labeled clinical trial.
Utility of plasma methoxytyramine for the diagnosis and metastatic risk assessment in patients with pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma
서울의대 안창호
Clinical Significance of Endocrine-Metabolic diseases in Korean Patients with COVID-19
경희의대 이상열
Trends in the effects of post-transplant diabetes mellitus on mortality and cardiovascular events after kidney transplantation
아주의대 한승진
- 2019년
The clinical characteristics of gestational diabetes mellitus and risk factors for developing gestational diabetes mellitus in Korea
Identification of clinical and genetic factors associated with immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced thyroid diseases
고려의대 김경진
Analysis of prognostic factors associated with survival of follicular thyroid cancer patients in Korea
Profiling of adrenal steroids for the prediction of health-related quality of life in female steroid-induced adrenal insufficiency
한림의대 류옥현
Efficacy and safety of bariatric/ metabolic surgery in patients with type 2 diabetes according to body mass index categories: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Verification of clinical usefulness of mutational tests for RAS or TERT promoter gene to predict the risk of aggressive behaviors in follicular patterned thyroid tumors
서울의대 박영주
Triglyceride glucose index for predicting cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes-A retrospective multicenter study
연세의대 박종숙
The association between the serum selenium concentrations and the autoimmune thyroid diseases status
서울의대 조선욱
- 2018년
Development of NAFLD Predictive model using Clinical Parameters And Confirmation with CAP score in Patients with type 2 diabetes
Modification of TNM staging system to improve survival predictability in differentiated thyroid cancer
Relationship between overt and subclinical hyperthyroidism and the risk of major cardiovascular events and mortality: Meta-analysis and systematic review of prospective cohort studies
Discovery of Prognostic Biomarkers in Parathyroid Carcinoma Through Genomic and Proteomic Analyses: A Multicenter Study
Associations between healthy lifestyle index and cardiovascular outcomes in general Korean population
The development of predictive model for recurrent attack for cardiovascular disease in Korean diabetes patients with established cardiovascular disease using National Health Insurance System database
Identification and investigation of probiotics with antiobesity property
- 2017년
Cohort construction thyroid disease in Korea and prevalence of thyroid disease, analysis of drug administration status
Effectiveness of DPP4-inhibitors and SGLT2-inhibitors for renal outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Development of biomarkers for early diagnosis of adrenal disease in Koreans
Effects of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis on poor clinical outcomes in differenciated thyroid Cancer: A Meta-Analysis
Establishment of a Korean Diabetes Cohort for the Observation of Clinical Course using data from the Korea National Health Insurance System
성균관의대 박세은
Epidemiology of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 in Korea and vaildation of genetic analysis by targeted next generation sequence
연세의대 이유미
Association of hashimoto's thyroiditis and the prognosis of papillary thyroid cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis
울산의대 전민지
Long-term prognosis of the differentiated thyroid carcinoma with initial distant metastasis
Study on the clinical characteristics and management status of diabetes in Korean young adults
강원대 조은희
Investigation of rare variants in Genome-wide association study data in polycystic ovary syndrome
이화의대 홍소현
- 2016년
한국인 부신 희귀질환 환자의 다기관 후향적 코호트 연구(A multicenter retrospective cohort study of Korean patients with rare adrenal gland disease)
한국인 분화갑상선암의 사망률 추이 및 사망 연관 인자 분석(Survival analysis of differentiated thyroid cancer in Korea)